
Caching ad alta velocità

Speed up your applications by using DRAM as an extremely fast performance accelerator.

DataCore SANsymphony leverages DRAM for high-speed caching, enabling rapid access to frequently used data and significantly boosting application responsiveness. By integrating DRAM, SANsymphony achieves unmatched speed and efficiency, ensuring instant data availability and optimal performance in all operational scenarios.

Le principali funzioni

  • Il miglior rapporto prezzo/prestazioni del settore registrato nel benchmark SPC-1 a $0,08/SPC-1 IOPS™
  • Sfrutta le CPU x86-64 e la RAM del server come potente ed economica "mega cache"
  • Non degrada e non peggiora nel tempo come accade con la tecnologia Flash
  • Accelera la risposta I/O nelle risorse di storage esistenti
  • Pre-carica i blocchi nella cache di lettura
  • Fonde le operazioni di scrittura in ordine causale in trasferimenti sequenziali di dimensioni più ampie per evitare le attese sui dischi
  • Agisce come speed-matching buffer per evitare i colli di bottiglia sul percorso di I/O
  • Offre il miglior rapporto costo/beneficio di qualsiasi altro supporto di storage
  • Protegge i dischi tradizionali dal "trashing"

Il diagramma dell'High-Speed Caching

La cache di lettura riduce le richieste inviate al disco di back-end più lento. Il caching in scrittura accetta i dati entranti il più velocemente possibile.

Application performance degrades over time.

Elimina questo problema con l'High-Speed Caching.

L'High-Speed Caching è un algoritmo di caching proprietario che accelera l'I/O sfruttando la RAM come cache di lettura e scrittura. DataCore supporta fino a 8TB di cache ad alta velocità per nodo, creando una "mega cache" capace di mettere il turbo alle prestazioni applicative.

RAM is a commodity component and therefore relatively inexpensive, yet it possesses outstanding performance characteristics and lacks the shortcomings that are attributed to Flash devices. RAM is an excellent technology to leverage for accelerating I/O performance and delivers a very high benefit-to-cost ratio across the entire storage architecture, facilitating faster storage.

High-Speed Caching is critical for maintaining application performance because RAM is many orders of magnitude faster than the fastest Flash technologies and it resides as close to the CPU as possible.

It is the fastest storage component in the architecture, delivering a 3-5x performance boost to applications and freeing up application servers to perform other tasks. It also extends the life of traditional storage components by minimizing the stress experienced from disk thrashing.

Un rapporto prezzo/prestazioni da record

DataCore shattered the world record for price/performance in the Storage Performance Council’s prestigious SPC-1 Benchmark1, thanks in large part to the outstanding caching algorithms perfected over 20+ years and the software’s unique parallel I/O architecture, enabling high-speed storage.

1 Il rapporto completo sui risultati di DataCore SANsymphony 10.0 con il benchmark SPC-1

Metrica Risultati ottenuti
SPC-1 Prezzo/prestazioni $0,08/SPC-1 IOPS™
Tempo di risposta con carico al 100% 0,32 ms
SPC-1 IOPS 459,290.87
Prezzo totale USD 38.400,29

Overcoming Disk Thrashing in Traditional Hard Drives

Disk thrashing occurs when a hard drive is overworked by excessive reading and writing actions, leading to performance degradation. Traditional hard drives, which rely on mechanical parts like spinning disks and moving heads, can become overwhelmed with too many simultaneous or intensive operations.

This overactivity causes the drive to constantly seek data across different locations, resulting in slower response times and reduced overall system performance. High-Speed Caching mitigates this issue by efficiently managing I/O requests, thus preventing the excessive workload that leads to thrashing.

Iniziamo con SANsymphony, il Software-Defined Block Storage