An organization’s data is at the core of all of its operational and service functions, and the amount of that data only continues to grow. The need for quick access to the data is growing commensurately; companies today increasingly require the ability to access their data when and where they need it, and cannot tolerate slow application performance or downtime. Moreover, business operations must continue without disruption and require flexibility in order to incorporate any future storage technologies that may emerge, and scale to meet data storage and management needs and capacity demands.
To meet these demands, software-defined storage offers great potential. In case of a catastrophic failure within a storage architecture, DataCore’s software-defined storage technology promises continuous data availability at the disk, node and datacenter level to ensure all systems remain operational. Utilizing the company’s Parallel I/O technology, DataCore software-defined storage offers the fastest response time in the industry, guaranteeing application performance by removing the I/O bottleneck, ensuring applications are not slowed by waiting for a response to a data query. Software-defined storage also provides the flexibility that organizations need in order to non-disruptively add new storage and technologies, allowing them to be ready to integrate whatever comes next onto their existing hardware.
View DataCore’s “A Modern Approach to Protecting Business Data and Improving Application Performance” eBook to learn more about DataCore’s technology and how organizations are benefitting from software-defined storage.
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